Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Film for HEAL: I Am by Tom Shadyac

On the weekend, in class, I mentioned a film on Netflix that deals with many of the issues and topics that we have been discussing in class. The film is entitled I Am by Tom Shadyac. It is a film that delves into the appetizers of the topics that we have sampled in the first semester.

I strongly encourage other HEALer's to check it out before we meet again. It is pretty cool!

Sunday, 3 November 2013

The Mane Event: Pedagogy between a trainer and a horse

10 years ago, my first principal at my first school in Surrey used to utter a proverb. The old adage "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink" was often spoken by him to many that he worked with. 

He used to finish it up with the question:

"....so how do you make the horse drink?” leaving me at a loss. 

He would shortly thereafter provide the answer: "Salt the oats."